Your Final Step in the 12-Step Program.

During this 12th and final step of the World2Work® program, you will learn to evaluate job offers to uncover which best meets your needs. The caveat is now that you have done everything right including precisely following the previous eleven steps, hopefully you have now generated an offer.

The key questions are:

Should I accept this offer or continue looking and
Which is the best offer for me?

One technique we will teach you is using a spreadsheet to evaluate all-important key criteria (e.g. salary, driving distance, overtime, bonuses, etc.). The more data that you include in this process and the better you compare your offers to each you, the more likely that you will make an informed employment decision.

Our exclusive training helps you better sell yourself during the all-important job interviewing process. These added skills help separate you from the competition and increase your chances of landing that ‘ideal’ job.

I offer both private, individual coaching sessions as well as attendance in a one-hour virtual coaching and mentoring group virtual seminar at a low, low investment of $19.95.

Book your slot in our next virtual seminar NOW!

Learn more at the Coaching page on my main web site – Strategic Search.

If you are interested in learning more NOW, please contact me immediately at 312-380-9688 or use my Contact form. I know you will improve your interviewing skills and benefit by learning these proven, successful techniques!

Scott Sargis