Step #3 in the 12-Step Program.

Unfortunately, no one is well suited for every possible job. Therefore, during the 3rd step of the World2Work® program, we will help you determine which jobs are best suited for your precise psychological, interest and skills makeup. As a result, you will save time not interviewing for jobs that do not fit your psyche.

To achieve this goal, you can employ a wide range of tests and tools depending upon your resources. With a lot of money, you can hire a top industrial psychologist, well versed in jobs, interests and psychological testing, who will administer a battery of IQ, skills, interest and psychological tests like the Wonderlic to determine your optimum jobs match.

With limited resources you can still do an effective job with simple tools like our World2Work® “T sheet” which helps you catalog your likes and dislikes about all major tasks from past jobs and classes. During this process, we will instruct you to not only determine what you liked and disliked about your past jobs and school classes, but also “why” you liked or disliked certain things. This will help you to focus on interviewing for those jobs that are best suited for your personality, interests and skills.

Our exclusive training helps you better sell yourself during the all-important job interviewing process. These added skills help separate you from the competition and increase your chances of landing that ‘ideal’ job.

I offer both private, individual coaching sessions as well as attendance in a one-hour virtual coaching and mentoring group virtual seminar at a low, low investment of $19.95.

Book your slot in our next virtual seminar NOW!

Learn more at the Coaching page on my main web site – Strategic Search.

If you are interested in learning more NOW, please contact me immediately at 312-380-9688 or use my Contact form. I know you will improve your interviewing skills and benefit by learning these proven, successful techniques!

Scott Sargis